Raking Leaves

Today was our first really cool day in months. As we were driving back from our errands this morning in the rain I was in the mood to celebrate fall. I just wanted to relax, watch a chick flick and craft. So while Sweet Girl napped I watched While You Were Sleeping and worked on my fall wreath, post coming soon. It was a lovely afternoon.

When Sweet Girl woke up the fall celebration continued with an activity inspired by the book Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Elhert. While she was sleeping I spread some fake fall leaves on the living room floor and set out a toy rake.

Together we played in the leaves, and raked them into a pile. Well, I raked them into a pile and Sweet Girl just raked them around in different directions. I couldn't quite convince her that they were leaves and not flowers. In the end she compromised by calling them fleaves.

We still have to wait a couple of months for the leaves here to start falling, but for now we can have fun playing with our own red and yellow leaves in our living room.


  1. this is such a cute activity and a great way to incorporate literacy! i'm taking part in a virtual book club and we're doing lois ehlert. we'll be having a link party for it on Monday. i'd love it if you linked up!

  2. What a great book for fall. I can't wait to check it out. I have a lot of trees in my yard. It would be fun to see how big of a pile they could make on their own. I am a new follower. Hope to see you at True Aim!

  3. Such a cute idea...we just got this book from the library and will have to use this activity. Thanks!

  4. I can imagine hours and hours of raking fun, off to go find my rake to add to our leaves! Thanks for sharing on our Virtual Book Club for Kids
