Bubble Bath Paint

This is our last paint week activity. It has been a fun week. We will still do painting projects in the future, and maybe even another paint week, but for now here is our grand finale! I saw this post for Bubble Bath Paint just a couple days ago on Just Another Day in Paradise, and I knew we had to fit it in this week. Sweet Girl loves playing in the tub. It is probably her favorite time of the day.

Here is what you need:
1 C Clear Baby Shampoo
3 1/2 T Cornstarch
Food Coloring

Mix shampoo and cornstarch together. Separate into however many colors you want and add food coloring. Super easy!

I gave Sweet Girl a sponge brush to paint with.

 She was so excited about her new bathtub toy. 

After awhile she was finished painting and wanted to clean up. She emptied what was left of the paint into the bath water. It got very bubbly and very murky looking. She had a great time playing in the bubbles and scooping and pouring water. I think this bath lasted almost 45 minutes. I love watching her have so much fun exploring.

Linking Up At:
Photobucket Pinterest PartyWe Made That



  1. Your little girl is super sweet. Glad she had fun!

  2. Looks like a lot of fun! My daughter would love this. Pinning :)

  3. This is such a great idea! I found you through the hop and am now following via GFC. I'd love a follow back at http://www.two-in-diapers.blogspot.com when you get a chance! :) I would also LOVE for you to come link up to the Mommy-Brain Mixer on Thursdays!

  4. This looks really fun! Do you have any idea if this is "sensitive skin" safe? I have one that tends to react to things- I wonder if the food coloring would be too much!
    Found you We Made That! www.onceuponasewingmachine.com

  5. Thanks for stopping by. I don't know how this would work on sensitive skin. Sweet Girl hasn't had any skin problems.

  6. So much fun! We do shaving cream paint in the bathtub sometimes, and the boys love it! Thanks for sharing this on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you’ll be back again this week with some more great ideas!

  7. Oh, what fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  8. So great! I can't wait to try this. I know my three year old will love it!

  9. Love how this just washes away. We did finger paint in the tub and that was a big hit so I bet the kids would love this too. Pinning this! Vicky from www.messforless.net
