What's for Dinner? 5 Day Menu Plan

I learned the importance of menu planning from my mom. I used to plan my menus for two weeks at a time, but now that I stay at home a trip to the grocery store can give me an excuse to get out. So now I plan a week at a time. I usually plan about 5-6 meals per week, and save a day or two for leftovers, eating out or being invited somewhere for dinner. Here is a sample of a week menu, in fact this is what we had last week.

Plov- Russian Chicken and Rice

Pork Schnitzel with Mushroom Gravy

Garlic Steak and Onions

Baked Chicken Taquitos and Mexican Rice

Breakfast Burritos- Sorry, no recipe to go with this. Just scrambled eggs, bacon, potatoes, avocado, tomato, cheese and lots of green salsa. Sometimes you just need breakfast for dinner.

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  1. I always plan at least a week in advance! These recipes look yummy!

    Thanks for linking up with us at the CHQ Blog Hop last week! We're so glad you joined us and hope you found some fun new blogs to follow!

  2. You're so organized.... If only I come live with you and my kids too....!
    Just kidding! Thanks for sharing your recipes and menu plan!

