Making a Thinking Cap

Hooray for Amanda & Her Alligator! 

This week Sweet Girl and I are celebrating the book Hooray for Amanda and Her Alligator by Mo Willems. He is one of my favorite authors. He has written  the Knuffle Bunny books, the pigeon books, the piggie and elephant books and many others. His books just crack me up. His characters are so funny. The pigeon books are definitely my favorite. Hooray for Amanda and Her Alligator is a nominee for Utah's Beehive Book Award. This story is so funny. Amanda's stuffed alligator is alive and they play together and surprise each other.

For our first activity we made a thinking cap. In this story Amanda's stuffed alligator needs to think about different things, so he puts on his thinking cap. I folded our thinking cap out of brown paper that I got at the dollar store for another project. I pulled out crayons and a pack or sparkly stickers to decorate with.

Playing with stickers was a great activity for developing fine motor skills. I really had to hold myself back when the stickers got stuck in Sweet Girl's fingers. I did help out a few times, but mostly I let her figure it out. Because the stickers were textured we got to talk about bumpy and smooth, as well as talking about what the pictures were.

Sweet Girl had so much fun decorating her hat, but she was not about to wear it. Every time I put it on her head she immediately pulled it off. This is the best picture I got of her "wearing" her hat. Oh well.

Linking Up At:
Tuesday Tots We Made ThatButton pic 9Reviews and Giveaways


  1. LOL, My little one wont wear any kind of hat either...the little stinkers! It sure does look like Sweet Girl had a blast making the hat though, I love doing/making things from books it makes them come alive. Thanks so much for sharing on the linky!

  2. I love the concentration she had in decorating the hat!

  3. I love that you let her figure out the stickers by herself. This is a fun idea. Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. I love all these Amanda the Alligator ideas you have over here. It's such a fun book.
