Felt Jack-o-Lantern

In the spirit of Halloween, and trying desperately to believe that it's fall despite the 90 degree temperatures, I made Sweet Girl a felt jack-o-lantern to play with on our flannel board. I wish I were good enough to free hand it, but I am a terrible freehander. I have ruined enough projects to know that by now. Instead I used patterns that I found online. I just cut them out and pinned them to my felt and cut them out again.

I made three sets of faces for Sweet Girl to play with. I was worried she wouldn't recognize what they were since they are funny shapes, but she actually picked it up without me having to really explain it to her. For the most part the faces she made didn't exactly resemble faces, but the most important thing was that she had fun.


  1. So fun!! We did this last year and then did a felt snowman for winter. Enjoy!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  2. I love this! We did something similar last year and made a felt scarecrow this year! Love that she knew what to do without any help!
