More Fine Motor Skills Practice

Sweet Girl and I have done lots of activities to help her develop her fine motor skills. Here is another fun one to add to the list. She was having so much fun the day before playing with the baby food jar from our lids sorting activity that I decided to pull them back out. I also added our colored pasta from a previous activity.

I just set the pasta and the jars out for her (I used my rotary cutter mat to help contain the mess) and let her explore. She immediately started filling the jars with the pasta. We talked about full and empty.

Next we explored sounds. Sweet Girl put the lid on her jar (when I say that I mean she set it on and held it in place, she can't actually screw it on.), and started shaking. She gave me a jar too and we had a little dance party. We love dance parties around here. She also like the sound they made when she hit the jars together. We talked about hitting them softly so they wouldn't break. We spend a lot of time talking about being soft.

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1 comment:

  1. How sweet! She looks like she is enjoying it! I love that you said you talk a lot about being soft! lol
