Ham and Broccoli Quiche

I made this delicious Quiche for my family at our family reunion, and it was a hit.Husband loved it so much that we had to make it again for dinner last week. I am a big fan of breakfast for dinner. I love breakfast foods, but not enough of a morning person to ever want to make something good for breakfast. This recipe originally comes from Pillsbury.

Here is what you need:
1 Refrigerated Pie Crust
1 1/2 C Cubed Ham
1 1/2 C Shredded Swiss Cheese
1 C Frozen Broccoli, thawed and chopped
4 Eggs
1 C Milk
1/2 t Salt
1/2 t Mustard
1/2 t Pepper

1. Thaw the frozen broccoli. I set it out on a plate cover in a couple paper towels. It is very important to soak up as much of the water as possible, or the quiche will be very liquidy.
2. Place the pie crust in the pie plate. Layer ham, cheese and broccoli on top.
3. Mix together eggs, milk, salt, mustard and pepper. Pour over the broccoli.
4. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes or until the eggs are fully cooked. Let stand 5-10 minutes before serving.

Linking Up At:
button52 MantelsHubby Made MeSweet Bella Roos


  1. NUM!!!! great recipe! pinned it :)

  2. This looks delicious! Found you via the blog hop on chase the star.
    New follower!

  3. You have such a cute blog and this looks delicious! I love quiche! I am a new follower and would love for you to visit my site and join as well! :)


  4. This quiche looks really good. I always love finding new breakfast recipes!

  5. Seriously soo Yummy! Im Pinning this so I can make it later!

  6. This looks so good! Hmm, I wonder if I could get my little one to eat it, she loves broccoli! Thanks so much for sharing at my Throwback Thursday party, I'm so happy to have you and hope to see you again this week :)
