Fabric Covered Bulletin Board

I am not the most organized person in the world. I like to hang onto things in case I need them, but I often lack a place to put them. The front of my fridge is a perfect example of this problem. It is constantly covered in wedding announcements, birthday/Christmas cards, reminders of upcoming events, Sweet Girl's artwork and receipts waiting to be categorized in our budget. It's time to find a new home for a few of these items.

While walking through Walmart I found myself headed toward the school supplies. I love school supplies! Buying school supplies is perhaps the thing I miss most about teaching. Anyway, as I was browsing I came upon a bulletin board and decided it was time to purchase one for our office. I couldn't just leave it plain,so I added some fabric to fancy it up. This is seriously the easiest project ever.

Here is what you need:
Bulletin Board

1. I started by cutting my fabric a little bigger than my bulletin board.

2. Next I folded the edges under and started pinning it in place with the thumbtacks. I made sure to pull tight when I folded and pinned the opposite sides. I did have to go back several times and straighten pins or re-space them or pull the fabric tighter.

Out new bulletin board is now up and has freed up some space on our refrigerator door. Notice the picture of Sweet Girl from last Halloween? She was the cutest little pumpkin ever!

Linking Up At:
Lil\'LunaThe DIY Dreamer


  1. Just found your blog...love it! I have been looking for something like this for a while that would be very easy. Will try it this weekend! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have a big 'ole ugly bulletin board in our office that needs some sprucing up. Thanks for the idea.

  3. I love how you made over that bulletin board! And that fabric is so pretty! Thanks for linking up to the CHQ blog hop! Hope to see you again next week!
