Car Seat Strap Covers

Sweet Girl is such a little thing, but she has finally made it into a forward facing car seat. It was such an exciting day, except for one thing, the straps. They kept digging into her neck and leaving red marks, so I made these simple strap covers.

I put these together in about an hour using fabric I had at home. I didn't really measure them, so I'll do my best to just explain what I did. Hopefully the pictures can get us through.

1. First I used a tape measure to measure around the strap. I cut my quilted padded material (I don't know the technical term)  slightly bigger than the distance around the strap to allow enough room for the ends to overlap. Then I cut out my flannel with a little extra room to account for the seams. I used flannel to make it extra soft and comfortable.

2. Next I double folded each of the ends of the flannel and ironed them down in preparation to be sewn down.

3. Sew down the flaps on all four sides.

4. Cut a strip of Velcro. Be sure to use the kind that says its good for sewing on the package. Otherwise it is really tough to sew and not good for your machine. When you sew the fuzzy side and the scratchy side (those are the technical terms) make sure one goes on the front side and one goes on the back, it doesn't matter which is which.

All done! Wrap them around the car seat straps for Baby to enjoy. Doesn't it look like Sweet Girl is enjoying this? Okay, I hope this all made sense. Sorry I don't have any measurements or more specific instructions. The pictures are pretty clear and you're always welcome to ask for clarification.

Linking Up At:
button Hubby Made Me


  1. she's so cute! i can't believe that she's just now getting into a forward facing seat! We've had Hudson in one since he was about 8 months old. He is so big he just looked ridiculous laying in the infant seat with his feet hanging out!

  2. What a fabulous idea! Thank you for linking up at the Creative Headquarters Blog Hop! Hope to see you there next week!
    Barbara @ Chase the Star...following you on GFC! :)

  3. Thanks for stoping by LizzieJane Baby. You made my day. And it seems like your a great mom too!
