Toddler Flower Arranging

My mom recently gave me a whole grocery bag full of fake flowers. I wasn't sure what to do with them, but I knew I should just hold onto them until inspiration struck. Last week I put them to use. It was time for Sweet Girl to learn about floral arrangements. Just kidding. I just though she would have fun playing with the flowers.

I bought a styrofoam cube from the dollar store, which is the best place to buy one because they get a little pricey other places. I sawed off the corners to make it fit inside my empty butter tub, and set it out with the flowers. I quickly observed that Sweet Girl was having a really hard time pushing the flowers into the styrofoam, so I I poked a bunch of holes for her to use to put the flowers in.

We did this activity on a Friday, so I just left it out all weekend, and she came back to it over and over again. She had so much fun picking different flowers and putting them into the holes. We also got to talk about flowers and their colors and parts.

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  1. This is one of our favorite activities! I swear my little guy is going to be a horticulturist! :D

  2. What a wonderful idea!! I love it. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  3. Looks like a lot of fun! We'd love to invite you to join us at Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! I know everyone will love your great kid-friendly ideas! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)
