Simple I Spy Bag Tutorial

Okay, this may be my longest post yet, but it will all be worth it in the end. Before we left on our big trip to the other side of the country, I was frantically searching for toys to entertain Sweet Girl on the plane. I was terrified of her screaming and then we would all get kicked off the plane. I found a mini Magnadoodle (worth every penny of the $3 I paid for it), a notebook to draw in, a few books, her foam play makeup. I just needed on more thing, and I Spy Bag. I have always wanted to make one, so I searched for a good tutorial. Sew Easy Lemon Squeezy had the best I Spay Bag tutorial. I loved it! I made just a few alterations.

Here is my disclaimer. I am not an amazing sewer. I have never written a sewing tutorial before. I tried to write out what I did in a very clear way, and hopefully the pictures help. If I forgot something or it doesn't make sense, please be kind in asking for clarification. Don't make me cry. Thanks. Here goes.

What you need:
1/2 Yard of fabric- Probably even less, but better safe than sorry if you make a mistake and need another piece.
1 Piece of Plastic- I used a page protector.
20ish Small Objects- I found some of mine at Target in the dollar section and some in the button section at Joanns. These were the most expensive part, so watch for sales or coupons.

Step 1: Measure and cut out your pieces. 
The two 10x8 rectangles are the front and back. The 10x6 rectangle is the pocket on the back. The 20x 4 rectangle is the purse strap. I had to make this into a purse because Sweet Girl loves purses, plus it would make it easier for her to carry around.

 Step 2: Cut out the window and clip the corners.
Measure to find the middle point of one of your 10x8 rectangles. You will be making a 6x4 rectangle to cut out to make the window. From the middle point measure up 2 inches and down 2 inches, then 3 inches out to each side. Go ahead and draw right on your fabric because once it is cut and sewn you won't ever see it. Cut out the rectangle you just drew.

In each corner of the window you just made, measure 1 inch diagonally, and clip. Fold those new flaps backward and iron them down.


Step 3: Prep the back pocket.
While the iron is out, take the piece for the back pocket and fold it our twice, each time about 1/4 of an inch, and press it into place. Set this aside for a minute.

Step 4: Sew the plastic into the window.
You can use whatever plastic you have around the house. I just used a whole page protector because it's what I had. Pin on the full page to the back side of your window, you'll cut it down to the right size after it is sewn.   Sew twice around the window to make it extra sturdy. Cut off the extra plastic.


Step 5: Sew the pocket onto the back piece.
  Sew down the fold that you ironed down in step 3. Sew the pocket onto the back piece along the sides and the bottom, leaving the top open. I added a pocket for a marker by sewing a straight line down from the top of the pocket all the way to the bottom.


Step 6: Sew the Handle.
This step is totally optional. You can have a perfectly lovely bag with no handle if you prefer. To make the handle, just fold the piece in half with right sides together, and sew all the way down the side, leaving the ends open. Then turn the piece inside out (I always hate this step on any project. It's a pain.) Press the handle with an iron to give it a nice finished look.

Step 7: Sew this whole thing together.
Pin the front and back pieces together with the right sides facing in. Pin the ends of the handle into
the top where you want them to go. Than handle itself will be on the inside of everything.  Sew Around the top, 1 side, the bottom and half of the other side. Pull it right side out through the opening you left on one side.

Step 8: Fill it up!
Before I put my objects in I took a picture of them to print off and laminate. This is the check off sheet for what Sweet Girl needs to look for. I like this better than the list because it will probably be a few years before she can read, and this way she knows what to look for and can play independently (eventually I mean. She still isn't quite sure what to do with this besides carry it around and shake it.) 

I put in about 20 objects and then just added the rice until I thought it looked like enough. For an older child I would have added more, but I didn't want it to be too heavy for Sweet Girl to carry around.

Step 9: Sew it up and play!
Sew up the open edge. I added a flower with hot glue to make it extra girly. Time to Play!

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  1. I couldn't find an e-mail address for you, so this is my only way of contacting you. Thank you so much for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment! I decided to stop by your lovely corner of the world. What an amazing blog you have with lots of great ideas. We have a lot in common. I just resigned my elementary school position and will be staying home with my kiddos. I have a very supportive husband too who was wonderful through the transition from working mom to stay at home mom. :) I'm hosting a weekly link party on my blog beginning tomorrow. Be sure to stop by and link up a few of your fantastic projects.

    P.S. I don't ask a lot of people this, but would you like to be a guest on my blog one day. We could blog swap for a day or you could just come on as guest on mine with any project, craft, recipe, activity for children...that you would like to share. The floor would be yours for the day. Just let me know what you think. My e-mail address is
