Baby Bath

 I love mommy and Me School. As I said before, sometimes the activity flops and Sweet Girl has zero interest, but sometimes we have a great time and I get to see Sweet Girl at her most adorable. Baby Bath was one of those absolutely adorable activities.

For this activity I used a baby doll that I picked up on a Walmart clearance table several months ago. She actually came ready for a bath in her little robe. Sweet Girl loves baby dolls, so I bought this one and just had it sitting in my closet for some future day. I just used a little plastic tub for the bath so that we could sit out on the patio and not worry about any spills.

It was the cutest thing in the world to watch Sweet Girl bather her baby. She didn't seem to like it when the baby was sitting in the tub, so baby ended up getting more of a sponge bath, but it still worked. We talked about bay's body parts that needed to be washed, and how to be gentle with the baby.

My favorite part was when I pulled out the baby's bottle. I didn't realize when I bought it that this was one of those baby's that you can "feed" and then hold it up and it pees. Who knew they still made those? So, Sweet Girl tenderly fed the baby and then held it up and watched it all leak out the other end. She was fascinated. 

I lied, that was my second favorite part. My absolute favorite was watching her interact with her baby and seeing all the things she has picked up from watching me and other mothers. She knew just how to hold the baby to feed it, and she just smothered that baby in kisses. She doesn't give people kisses very often, but that baby has not stopped being kissed. It is so cute. I'm not sure how educational this activity was, but I just sat there in awe of what a cute girl I have, and we both had a good time. I declare this activity a success!

1 comment:

  1. this is soooo sweet. My little girl loves pretending to be mommy (Lily is 1.5 years). She hugs and kisses the babies and has to be in the middle of every house wife chore so she can do it too. I have a boy to but he is just that all boy, girls are so very different.

    She is a pretty little thing!
