Easy Tote Bag Tutorial

Before Little Brother joined our family, I decided to put together a big sister gift for Sweet Girl. I figured Little Brother would be getting a lot of attention and maybe some new toys and some file folder games would help ease the transition. Sweet Girl is very into purses. She just likes something to put all her little things in, so I decided to make her a little bag to put her new file folder games in to take to church. I found the tutorial for this adorable bag from Stitches In Play. It really didn't take too long and I made it from scraps of fabric I have in my fabric stash. I am not a great seamstress, but I managed to do this pretty well and in one afternoon. And I think it turned out pretty cute.

Here is what you need:
2 pieces 15x15 inches for the lining
2 pieces 15x11 inches for the main outside piece
2 pieces 15x5 inches for the outside top strip
2 pieces 20x6 inches for the handles

1. Start with the handles. Fold each handle in half hot dog style and iron. Open it back up and fold and iron about 1 inch on each side. Fold it back in half and sew up the side. Don't worry about sewing the ends, you'll get then later.

2. Sew a top strip to each of the main outside pieces. Then place them right sides together and sew around the sides and bottom, obviously leave the top open. 

3. Place the lining pieces right side together and sew down each side and part of the bottom. Leave a 3 inch opening at the bottom.

4. This step is important if you want to give the bag a flat bottom. If you don't care you could probably skip it. You will do this with the 2 bottom corners of both the outside and the inside lining pieces. Open the bag and and pinch the side and bottom seams together, so it creates this point. Sew a straight line 1 1/2 inches up from the tip, and then cut off the point. I hope that makes sense.

5. Now it's time to sew the whole bag together. The most important part is pinning it together correctly.Start by pinning the handles in place wherever you want them. Double check that your handles aren't twisted at all. That would be really frustrating to have to pick out. Leave the outside piece facing right side out, but turn the lining inside out. Slip the outside piece inside the lining piece. You will need to repin the handles so they are pinned to both the inside and outside pieces. Now sew around the top of the bag, reinforcing the handles really well.

6. Now pull the outside piece through that hole you left in the bottom of the lining. Sew up that hole either by hand or with a machine. (I figure it's the bottom of the inside so I don't care if my seam shows.)

7. Stuff the lining inside and viola, you have your bag!

Not too hard right?  I really like how it turned out, and Sweet Girl loves carrying it around. Now she can help carry some of her own stuff around and I have more room in my bag for all of Little Brother's stuff. I forgot how much little babies need between diapers, burp cloths, emergency change of clothes, etc.


  1. Hi Michelle this is so lovely! I love the fabrics you used! Thanks so much for sharing the great tutorial! Would love to have you visit me sometime.
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  2. This bag is awesome, but I would love to hear more about what you put into the big sister bag. My third little one is coming near the end of the year and I have two boys that I would love to make big brother bags for. I would love a post about your big sister bag! :)
