Farm Sensory Bin

A couple weeks ago Sweet Girl and I went to see the farm animals in town for the local rodeo. It is a tradition from when I was a little girl, and I love carrying it on with Sweet Girl. She loved to see the animals. We talked about each of their names and the sounds they make. I thought this would be the perfect time to put together a little farm sensory bin. 

To make this farm sensory bin I bought a little tube of farm animals for $3 at Walmart, and some raffia to serve as the hay. This is not the fanciest looking sensory bin, I wanted to add something but could never figure out what to add, but we had so much fun playing with it. I don't think Sweet Girl has ever gotten so into a sensory bin before.

At first we just played with the animals and reviewed what they are and what they say. Then Sweet Girl started exploring the raffia. She threw it in the air. We marched on it and felt it with our feet. We laid down to "sleep" on it. Sweet Girl does such a cute fake sleep.

Sweet Girl practiced her fine motor skills by standing the animals up on top of the bin, which was not easy because they really don't stand very well.

It just turned out to be such a fun activity. Just goes to show that kids don't always need fancy. Lucky for me because fancy is not my forte.

Linking Up At:
Tuesday Tots


  1. So cute....i really love farm animals and seem to be collecting them from every op shop lately lol! Your little container with straw is such a nice idea and she does look like she was having such fun!!

  2. What a great idea for a sensory bin. Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase! :)
