Toddler Shot Put and Hurdles Attempts

Sweet Girl and I had a lot of fun celebrating the Olympics this week, but not every activity turned out quite like I planned.

This was our shot put activity. The original plan was for her to throw her bean bags in the hula hoop on the floor. The problem was she had so much fun watching me hula hoop while she laughed at me, that she wouldn't leave the hula hoop on the floor. She kept bringing it to me so I would hula hoop. She got really mad every time I put it back and threw a bean bag into it. So we tried using a laundry basket instead, but she couldn't quite figure out that she was supposed to throw the bean bags. At least Sweet Girl had a great time grabbing the beans bags and running them to the laundry basket and dropping them in.

As for our hurdles, I rolled up towels and placed them around the living room for Sweet Girl to run and jump over. She had a blast! It was so funny watching her run and "jump" over the hurdles. Unfortunately she is so fast that I could not get a single usable picture to share. I finally gave up and we just had fun playing which is really the most important thing anyway.


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