Flour Sensory Bin

The oatmeal sensory bin was so fun that we had to do another sensory bin. This time we used flour. I threw in a few things I had around the house: some foam flower cutouts, big pom pom balls, a small plastic cup and a magnifying glass. We had so much fun running our fingers through the flour. I just happened to use whole wheat flour, and it felt so silky smooth. It felt so nice I had to call Husband over to feel it too.

While we played, we talked about the textures smooth and fuzzy. We talked about flowers that grow and flour you make cookies with. (She really perked up when she heard cookies. She knows that word.) Mostly she used the magnifying glass and the cup to bury the other objects.

Towards the end flour was being launched in all directions. She had quite the lap full of flour. She did try to help me sweep it up, and boy was she sad once it was all cleaned up and put away. I had to get a picture of her sad face before I comforted her.

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  1. Great idea! I wonder what would have happened if you'd sprinkled a little water in...?

  2. Aww she loved it! What a fun sensory bin! Thank you for sharing at the Sunday Showcase!

  3. its always great when kids love an activity that much - even if it means a minor trauma when it has to be put away. I haven't tried a straight flour sensory bin. We have made cloud dough though - flour and oil - and that feels amazing.

  4. What a fun idea! I never though of using flour! :) How sweet that she was trying to help you clean up. My little guy loves doing that, too!
