
I'm so excited to have time to post again. We've been so busy spending time with our family and friends, that I just have not found the time to get here. This evening I finally have a few minutes to write about these cute calendars I made.

I was inspired to make these when I saw similar ones that my friend, Nicolette, made. I like having a calendar to keep me organized, I can be very forgetful. But I also like to use it as a sort of record for everything that I have done that month. Several years ago while I was serving an LDS mission, I worked with another missionary who kept a calendar where she wrote about something she had done each day. So, I use this calendar to keep track of all the things we need to do as well as the fun things that we do. Then at the end of each month I can save the calendar pages in our scrapbook to look back and see all the things we have done throughout the year.

 There are two parts, the background and then the calendar itself.

To make the background I just used a piece of heavy duty cardstock and decorated it with other scraps, pictures and the name of the month. I used the edge of my black stamp pad to antique the edges. Then I laminated it for durability and so that I could reuse it every year.


For the calendar I just made up a template on my computer and printed it out on cardstock. I trimmed off the edges and antiqued the calendars. Finally I taped the calendar onto the background.

A super simple project that I have been able to enjoy for almost two years now.

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1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for diy calendars! I'm going to give them a go! I love your flannel board and recipes...thanks so much for stopping by my blog recently, you have a lovely space here x
