Insect Sensory Bin

Little Brother and I had fun playing with our new insect sensory bin while Sweet Girl was off to preschool. I found these cute insect finger puppets on amazon, but you could also look at the dollar store. (To be honest the only reason I didn't get the ones from the dollar store was because the bugs in their collection were too creepy for me. I need less scary bugs like ladybugs and butterflies.) I buried them in a tub of leftover Easter grass, you never know when you're going to need that stuff. Little Brother managed to take a small amount of Easter grass and pull it apart until it looked like I had given him three full bags of the stuff. I'm still finding strands of grass all over my house.Little Brother loved when I made the butterfly fly around or made the grasshopper jump up his arm. What little boy doesn't love digging through the grass looking for bugs? And this way you know they at least aren't touching real bugs, cause that's gross.


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