Digging for Letters

Look! I'm posting something! To give you a little update, I felt really miserable with this pregnancy for October, November, December and the first part of January. I felt pretty good about those days when I actually got up and made dinner. Husband was so good to me. He would come home from work to find me laying on the couch asking him to please do the dishes, entertain Sweet Girl and make something for dinner that wouldn't smell too strong. Things have gotten a lot better since then, but I have found it hard to get back into the swing of blogging. So I'm starting slow, which is good because Little Brother is due any day now and once he comes who knows when I'll have time to write again.

Here is an activity we did recently. Sweet Girl has fallen in love with letters. She can name most of them and loves to go around reading letters everywhere we go. I wish I could take the credit for her knowing her letters already, but I really think it was all of the episodes of Super Why she watched on PBS while I was laying on the couch wishing I were dead this winter.

Anyway, I gathered up our letter magnets that I got from Walmart forever ago, and then just covered them in cornmeal. Sweet Girl had a great time digging the letters out. We named them and made their sounds (she doesn't know sounds yet), we also talked about their colors (colors are still a little hit and miss).

I had a good time playing with her because the texture of the cornmeal was pretty cool. A lot of the cornmeal did end up on the floor, but that's why we do these things on the tile. Easy clean up.

It feels good to post again. I'll try and do it again soon.


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