Chicken Shish Kabobs


I love these chicken shish kabobs, My parents started making them somewhat frequently before I left home, and they were always gone in a hurry. They are so incredibly simple to put together and so delicious in the end. These pictures really don't do it justice so you'll just have to trust me and try it.

Here is what you need:
1 1/2 lb Chicken Breast
1/2 lb Bacon
1 Green Pepper
1 Small Red Onion
1 Pkg. Mushrooms
Italian Dressing

1. If using frozen chicken thaw it. Cut into large bite sized pieces, not too small or they won't go on the skewer well. Place pieces in a shallow bowl or resealable gallon sized bag and cover with Italian dressing. Let the chicken marinade for at least 2 hours.


2. After the chicken has marinaded, cut the bacon into squares, and skewer the bacon and chicken. I like to do the vegetables separately because I don't like the thought of the raw meat touching my veggies, but my parents always put them all together. It's up to you.

3. Cut the vegetables. Again, keep the chunks large enough that they can fit onto the skewer. Skewer the vegetables.

4. Now I pass them off to Husband for grilling. Grill until the meat is cooked all the way through and vegetables are tender. Be sure to check between the pieces of meat to make sure it's cooked.

5. Serve over rice. We like to pull everything off the skewers and mix it all together in a bowl, but you could just pass around the skewers. I like to top it all off with some soy sauce.

And that's all there is to it.

Linking Up At:

The DIY Dreamer


  1. new follower from the blog hop,great blog!Love the foam make-up idea,doing it for my girls!thanks
    I woul love it if you would follow back!Have a great week!

  2. What a great recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Delicious!! I can't remember the last time I make shish kabobs. They are sooo fun to make!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!!
